High Performance Key Factors
High Performance Organizations
What exactly is a High Performing Organization and how do I know if we quality?
We have tried many different improvement techniques, but nothing has really made a lasting difference in our results.
HPOs carefully define their work processes and continuously improve them. They recognize that all work tasks are part of a process and all processes are designed to fulfill the core needs of the customers. HPOs continuously improve their processes through closer customer connections and by working with each supplier, for innovation, safety, product development.
All processes are part of larger systems or networks of organizational units, resources, and information. The governing principle of a system is that each of its elements must fit into the overall order of things. A system that maintains order will survive all manner of disturbances or change. When the order breaks down, the system falls apart and dies.
HPOs are produced by High Performing People. These associates must possess the critical competencies to deliver the strategy. They must be (like their leaders) also be open to change based on external changes, new opportunities, and continuous improvement ideas.
Value-Driven Purpose
Leaders define a distinctive business strategy, core operating values, and clear expectations to chart the course at each milestone of the journey. Their purpose includes critical needs of their most important stakeholders.

Business leaders must be deeply committed to reach the peak of high performance. They learn from the market, competition, and all associates. They earn and maintain the trust of all associates. They adapt accordingly as changes in the market and unexpected situations come to them.