
All processes are part of larger systems or networks of organizational units, resources, and information. The governing principle of a system is that each of its elements must fit into the overall order of things. A system that maintains order will survive all manner of disturbances or change. When the order breaks down, the system falls apart and dies.



The governing principle of a system is that each of its elements must fit into the overall order of things. A system that maintains order will survive all manner of disturbances or change. When the order breaks down, the system falls apart and dies.

With systems, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This being true, the whole can only be optimized by the sub-optimization of the parts. Different relationships among the parts, not merely adding more parts, optimizes the whole. If you try to optimize each part, you sub-optimize the whole.

The governing principles of systems are frequently overlooked when work is organized. HPOs do not overlook systemic principles, nor do they permit sub-unit priorities to sub-optimize the whole.

How We Can Help

All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they get. You need to examine your systems in the whole systems context of your organization.

  • What drives how today’s systems actually operate? (Value-driven purpose? Informal values and beliefs? Something else?)
  • What specific behaviors do the systems drive? (Strategy fulfillment? Poorer performance? Competitive disadvantages?)

We look at your whole organization of strategy, processes, systems, culture, and results and help you see where the misalignments and conflicts are with your stakeholders’ needs. We help you identify systemic changes that align your work with a real HPO standard.

Each of our products, tools, processes, and approaches have been refined through the years to be systemic in nature. We can help you create a very healthy organizational ecosystem that can survive and thrive for ages.


Offerings – Workshops

Offerings – Consulting

 Consulting to Redesign The Whole System

Offerings – Reading


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Leadership Value-driven Purpose People Processes Systems High Performance Culture