HPO Master Class


A two-day public program featuring André de Waal and Dave Hanna to help you master the development of your HPO. You will be introduced to the frameworks and tools that have made a difference for many others and will have the opportunity to use these tools to increase your expertise.



Andre & DaveDr. André de Waal (author of What Makes A High Performance Organization) and Dave Hanna (author of Designing Organizations For High Performance and The Organizational Survival Code) will lead this two-day workshop that will help you to:

  • Gain experience with proven tools and processes that can help you understand the whole system and its results
  • Learn what makes the difference between HPOs and other organizations
  • Understand how to skillfully redesign an organization to deliver high performance
  • Develop your own HPO action plan

This is a highly interactive session in which you will experience the dynamics of the HPO journey. Key elements of the workshop include:

1. Seeing the whole system: all major elements of the system must be aligned to yield sustainable high performance. Single shot improvements seldom affect a system’s performance. You will be introduced to the Organizational Systems Model (OSM), a tool for diagnosing and designing a whole system.

OSM Plain

2.Diagnosing poor performance in a real-world case study: in your small group you will connect the dots to see why the case organization is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.

3. What makes a High Performance Organization: a review of the global research, conclusions, and practical implications for your organization.

What Makes A HPO

4. Designing for sustainable high performance: your small group will consider a number of design tools and make specific recommendations to lift the whole system’s performance.

Growing HR Leaders Lenk 061 small

5.A High Performance Partnership (HPP): research, principles, and processes for turning stakeholder transactions into real partnerships.

6.Developing an HPO action plan: summarizing key points to be implemented back home using the workshop tools to become an HPO (including developing one specific High Performance Partnership).

7. Transitioning to an HPO: lessons learned from past client experiences.


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Leadership Value-driven Purpose People Processes Systems High Performance Culture