Improving Your Organization’s Results: an organizational diagnosis and design workshop


This workshop enables you to understand why your organization is perfectly designed to get the results it gets. Both good and bad, all results are the product of how the whole system is aligned. In this session you will learn how to see everything that is going on in your complex organization, diagnose strengths and weaknesses, and strategize about which elements to adjust to get better results. Highly interactive, this workshop will give you insights and experiences to help you lead improvement efforts back home.



This workshop is for business managers and HR managers who want to better understand how to change a complex organization to improve its results.The tools and approaches used in this session can improve any organizational dilemma at any level. The central framework for the workshop is the Organizational Systems Model (OSM), a tool that has been used in numerous organizations to improve their results. The model shows how all results emerge from the confluence of Strategy & Organizational Capabilities, Processes, Structure, Rewards, and People systems – all of which are heavily influenced by external market conditions that shape constantly-evolving Stakeholder Needs. Key factors in this workshop include:

1.Diagnosis: you will use the OSM to diagnose a real-world business dilemma. You will see how it is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.Diagnosis Process





2.Design: you will review different organizational tools that might help the case study company and use them in recommending a strategy for change.

OSM Design Process


3.Organizational Survival Code: you will learn that the same principles that enable natural ecosystems to live for ages also apply to organizations. Aligning with these principles enables survival, violating them brings on extinction.Ecosystem



4.Small Group Work: much of the workshop is spent working in a small team to sharpen your involvement and insights.

5.Back Home Application: Time is allocated both days for you to use the OSM for diagnosis and design of a back-home business dilemma.

Download Brochure here 2 Day Diagnosis & Design Brochure



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Leadership Value-driven Purpose People Processes Systems High Performance Culture